She has been saying a lot of funny things lately. I say "she" because I'm protecting her identity. Not sure if I should be paranoid or not but. . .for now I will be.
Funny story #1: My husband, Greg, plays hockey every Thursday morning at 6am so when she gets up on Thursdays Daddy isn't home. She always asks where he is and I tell her he is playing hockey. This week Greg went to D.C. for a week and when I told her he would be gone for a few days she said "Where is this hockey rink?"
Funny story #2: Recently, a piece of her hair fell out and she asked me what it was. I told her it was her hair and she quickly put it up to her head and said "Uh, fix it!"
That's it for now. She is a character. She is constantly "ice skating" around the house or "making sand castles" in our living room.