Friday, February 27, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

water colors gone wild

blue eyes

This shows how blue her eyes are!

home depot

Every Saturday is Daddy Daughter date. They go swimming and go around town doing errands. This week they did a project at Home Depot.

toy box

She hung out here for an hour. She told me "I's hanging out."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i guess i'll write

She has been saying a lot of funny things lately. I say "she" because I'm protecting her identity. Not sure if I should be paranoid or not but. . .for now I will be.

Funny story #1: My husband, Greg, plays hockey every Thursday morning at 6am so when she gets up on Thursdays Daddy isn't home. She always asks where he is and I tell her he is playing hockey. This week Greg went to D.C. for a week and when I told her he would be gone for a few days she said "Where is this hockey rink?"

Funny story #2: Recently, a piece of her hair fell out and she asked me what it was. I told her it was her hair and she quickly put it up to her head and said "Uh, fix it!"

That's it for now. She is a character. She is constantly "ice skating" around the house or "making sand castles" in our living room.


reading angel

mean daddy