Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010


June watching her sister.

Catina with her best friend from class and her teacher.

hanging out

Little People drying off after their bath.

Eating a sucker with her toes...

Playing in her jumperoo for the first time.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

June's very own aids!

It truly was an amazing experience to see June have her own hearing aids put in. Her appointment was during a time where she was hungry and tired so she was a bit fussy. As soon as Karen, our audiologist, put in the first hearing aid June got very quite and was listening so intently. We have noticed since how she can localize sound quickly and smiles or cries more often due to new sounds.


Cousin Clara came to town! Oh, and Auntie too. ; )

Catina and Clara had so much fun! They rarely fought and spent almost every night together. One night they spent the night at our house and I really thought it was going to be hard to get them to sleep but it wasn't a problem at all. Most days they were "twins" and even told the cashier at Bronners. The cashier looked at them very confused. My favorite was when they were the PINK GIRLS! Pink girls win every fight.

second cousins

We went to see Greg's family and Catina was able to spend some time with her second cousins. She was running around like crazy in her Easter dress.


Don't we just look so excited?!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

more catina stories

  • Greg asked Catina if she could help him and she said she couldn't because she was Snow White. I told her that Snow White was a worker and she said, "No, Mommy, she sleeps."
  • Catina and I were getting milk at the grocery store and she saw chocolate milk. She asked i we could buy some and I told her no because it wasn't healthy. She then sees someone take a gallon of chocolate milk and put it in their cart. Catina then says really loud "Uh-oh Mommy, they're not healthy!"
  • Instead of line, Catina says lion. She stands in lion. I crack up every time. That and "What did you said Mommy?"