* Catina was feeding June puffs while I was making the girls lunch. She held up the puff and presented it to June and said "Take this, and you will know me and be blessed." Apparently, June was taking her first communion.
* Catina asked me one day why. She is constantly asking why and I can't remember what the question was but the only answer I could come up with was that God had made it that way. She then asked me why He made it that way and I told her I didn't know she would have to ask God. Then our conversation continued as follows.
Catina: God is in my heart.
Me: Yes, He is.
Catina: But I can't hear him!
Me: You have to be quiet and listen.
Catina: Oh (and she sat there for awhile trying to hear Him)
* Catina's imagination is very elaborate. She is constantly narrating what she does because everything she does is part of a story. When she walks into the living room you may hear her say "She walked into the garden and met her friends where she danced all night long." Some days she sings everything she says and is pretty perturbed when I don't follow along.
* A few mornings ago we played baseball outside but instead of wearing her regular clothes Catina though it appropriate to dress up like a pig. Every time you hit the ball you had to yell "OINK!" really excitedly and if you missed you had to say "oink" really sad.
* We've taken quite a few car trips this summer and Catina has invented some games. There are two that are my favorites. The first one she says something really silly in a silly voice and Daddy has to copy her. Then Mommy has to laugh like its hysterical. If I don't Catina says "Mommy, you forgot to laugh all day long!" This game can last up to 15 minutes! The second is Catina and Mommy pretend to play matching princess cards and Daddy tries to eat the cards that we have. Mind you these cards are make believe so Daddy is grabbing invisible cards and eating them while driving.
* Last night Greg went upstairs to change his clothes. It was dark and he walked in our room sensing Catina might be there. She was just sitting there in the dark waiting for us to come up. She does this often but it freaks us out every time!
* We put in a new hot water heater this week and the box it came in was perfect for painting. Catina has taken advantage of this and is creating some lovely master pieces.
cute to see her set up her paints and canvas to paint there.
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